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Shani And Guru Dosh Nivaran Kavach Gemstones

शनि और गुरु दोष निवारण कवच रत्न

उत्पाद विवरण:


शनि और गुरु दोष निवारण कवच रत्न मूल्य और मात्रा

  • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े
  • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े
  • 1

शनि और गुरु दोष निवारण कवच रत्न उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • बैंगनी
  • बिल्लौर और पुखराज
  • नेचुरल
  • अन्य

शनि और गुरु दोष निवारण कवच रत्न व्यापार सूचना

  • 100 प्रति दिन
  • 3 दिन

उत्पाद वर्णन

Packaging Typebox
Main StoneAmethyst and Topaz

About Shani & Guru Kavach – According to the Rigveda Jupiter is worth worshipping for the entire world. If he becomes satisfied with his devotees he blesses them with prosperity, success, intelligence, and cleverness. It helps his devotees to be on a virtuous or righteous path and protect them in every disaster. It is very affectionate towards people who seek refuge or shelter. His great phase or time lasts for sixteen years. Fast should be observed on the dark moon (Amavasya) and on Thursday for his pacification. Guru Shani Yog Nivaran Kavach
Jupiter is one of the most positive and helpful planets as considered by Indian astrology. Being the biggest planet in our solar system, it takes about 12 years to orbit around the Sun. It is regarded as one’s teacher. Those having Jupiter favourably placed in their horoscopes, turn out to be truthful, wise, spiritual, God-fearing, sincere, and honest. It should be established for the worship of Lord Jupiter for blessings in prosperity, supremacy, power, wealth, authority, rank, abundance, business, and for strengthening a weak Jupiter in the horoscope with puja and chanting mantra. Beej Mantra- “Om Kleem Brahaspatya Namah”

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